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IMediaPlayerDvd  IMediaPlayerListener  IRadioServer  IServiceProvider  MPDisplayModeConstants  MPDisplaySizeConstants  MPMediaInfoType  MPMoreInfoType  MPPlayStateConstants  MPReadyStateConstants  MPShowDialogConstants  RadioBand  RadioPlayer  RadioServer  ReadyStateConstants 
IMediaPlayerDvd Description
Property AnglesAvailable As Long Get the number of available Angles
Property AudioStreamsAvailable As Long Gets the number of available Audio streams
Property ButtonsAvailable As Long Gets the number of available buttons
Property CCActive As Boolean Gets the active state of the closed captioning service
Property ColorKey As Long Gets ColorKey for the overlay
Property CurrentAngle As Long Gets the current Angle
Property CurrentAudioStream As Long Gets the current audio stream
Property CurrentButton As Long Gets the current button number
Property CurrentCCService As Long Gets the current closed captioning service
Property CurrentChapter As Long Gets the current Chapter
Property CurrentDiscSide As Long Gets the current disc side
Property CurrentDomain As Long Gets the current Domain
Property CurrentSubpictureStream As Long Gets the current subpicture stream
Property CurrentTime As String Gets the current Time
Property CurrentTitle As Long Gets the current Title
Property CurrentVolume As Long Gets the current volume
Property FramesPerSecond As Long Gets the number of frames per second used by the current title
Property Root As String Sets the root directory containing the DVD-Video volume
Property SubpictureOn As Boolean Gets the state of the Subpicture display
Property SubpictureStreamsAvailable As Long Gets the number of available subpicture streams
Property TitlesAvailable As Long Gets the number of available titles
Property TotalTitleTime As String Gets a string containing the total time in the title (hh:mm:ss:ff)
Property UniqueID As String Gets a Unique identifier for the current DVD-Video disk
Property VolumesAvailable As Long Gets the number of available volumes
Sub BackwardScan(ByVal dwSpeed As Double) reverse play at the specified speed
Sub ButtonActivate Activates the currentlt selected button
Sub ButtonSelectAndActivate(ByVal uiButton As Long) Selects and activates specified button
Sub ChapterPlay(ByVal uiTitle As Long, ByVal uiChapter As Long) Play chapter number 1-99 of title 1-99
Sub ChapterPlayAutoStop(ByVal ulTitle As Long, ByVal ulChapter As Long, ByVal ulChaptersToPlay As Long) Playing a sequence of chapters in specified title
Sub ChapterSearch(ByVal Chapter As Long) play at specified chapter in current title
Sub ForwardScan(ByVal dwSpeed As Double) forward play at the specified speed
Sub GoUp play current program chain
Sub LeftButtonSelect Selects the button to the left of current button
Sub LowerButtonSelect Selects the button below current button
Sub MenuCall(ByVal MenuID As DVDMenuIDConstants) Play specified menu
Sub NextPGSearch play next program
Sub PrevPGSearch play previous program
Sub ResumeFromMenu Resume title playback
Sub RightButtonSelect Selects the button to the right of current button
Sub StillOff Releases any current still if there are no available buttons
Sub TimePlay(ByVal uiTitle As Long, ByVal bstrTime As String) Play at specified time (hh:mm:ss:ff) within specified title
Sub TimeSearch(ByVal bstrTime As String) play at specified time in current title
Sub TitlePlay(ByVal uiTitle As Long) Play title number 1-99
Sub TopPGSearch play current program
Sub UpperButtonSelect Selects the button above current button
Function GetAllGPRMs Gets an array of the DVD General Parameter Registers
Function GetAllSPRMs Gets an array of the DVD System Parameter Registers
Function GetAudioLanguage(ByVal ulStream As Long) As String Gets the name of the Audio language
Function GetNumberOfChapters(ByVal ulTitle As Long) As Long Gets the number of chapters for the specified title
Function GetSubpictureLanguage(ByVal ulStream As Long) As String Gets the name of the Subpicture language
Function UOPValid(ByVal ulUOP As Long) As Boolean Checks the validity of the UOP


IMediaPlayerListener Description
Sub Buffering(ByVal fStart As Boolean)
Sub BufferPercent(ByVal lBufferPercent As Long)
Sub Error(ByVal bstrError As String)
Sub MediaInfoChanged(ByVal bstrShowTitle As String, ByVal bstrClipTitle As String, ByVal bstrClipAuthor As String, ByVal bstrClipCopyright As String, ByVal bstrStationURL As String)
Sub OpenStateChanged(ByVal lOpenState As Long)
Sub PlayStateChanged(ByVal lNewState As Long)
Sub QualityChanged(ByVal lQuality As Long)


IRadioServer Description
Sub IsRadioExists(ByVal wszRadio As String)
Sub LaunchStandardUrl(ByVal bszUrl As String, ByVal pBrowser As Unknown)
Function BindToRadio(ByVal wszRadio As String) As IRadioPlayer


IServiceProvider Description
Sub RemoteQueryService(guidService As stdole.GUID, riid As stdole.GUID, ppvObject As Unknown)


MPDisplayModeConstants Description
Const mpFrames = 1 Frames
Const mpTime = 0 Time


MPDisplaySizeConstants Description
Const mpDefaultSize = 0 0 - Default Size
Const mpDoubleSize = 2 2 - Double Size
Const mpFitToSize = 4 4 - Fit to Size
Const mpFullScreen = 3 3 - Full Screen
Const mpHalfSize = 1 1 - Half Size
Const mpOneFourthScreen = 6 6 - One Fourth Screen
Const mpOneHalfScreen = 7 7 - One Half Screen
Const mpOneSixteenthScreen = 5 5 - One Sixteenth Screen


MPMediaInfoType Description
Const mpBannerImage = 14 Current Banner Image
Const mpBannerMoreInfo = 15 Current Banner MoreInfo
Const mpClipAuthor = 9 Clip Author
Const mpClipCopyright = 10 Clip Copyright
Const mpClipDescription = 12 Clip Description
Const mpClipFilename = 7 Clip filename
Const mpClipLogoIcon = 13 Clip Logo Icon
Const mpClipRating = 11 Clip Rating
Const mpClipTitle = 8 Clip Title
Const mpShowAuthor = 2 Show Author
Const mpShowCopyright = 3 Show Copyright
Const mpShowDescription = 5 Show Description
Const mpShowFilename = 0 Show filename
Const mpShowLogoIcon = 6 Show Logo Icon
Const mpShowRating = 4 Show Rating
Const mpShowTitle = 1 Show Title
Const mpWatermark = 16 (&H10) Current Watermark


MPMoreInfoType Description
Const mpBannerURL = 2 More Information URL for Banner
Const mpClipURL = 1 More Information URL for Clip
Const mpShowURL = 0 More Information URL for Show


MPPlayStateConstants Description
Const mpClosed = 6 Stream has not been opened
Const mpPaused = 1 Playback is paused
Const mpPlaying = 2 Stream is playing
Const mpScanForward = 4 Stream is Scanning forward
Const mpScanReverse = 5 Stream is Scanning in reverse
Const mpStopped = 0 Playback is stopped
Const mpWaiting = 3 Waiting for stream to begin


MPReadyStateConstants Description
Const mpReadyStateComplete = 4 4 - Complete
Const mpReadyStateInteractive = 3 3 - Interactive
Const mpReadyStateLoading = 1 1 - Loading
Const mpReadyStateUninitialized = 0 0 - Uninitialized


MPShowDialogConstants Description
Const mpShowDialogContextMenu = 3 3 - Context Menu
Const mpShowDialogHelp = 0 0 - Help
Const mpShowDialogOptions = 2 2 - Options
Const mpShowDialogStatistics = 1 1 - Statistics


RadioBand Description
Sub Create(phwnd As Long, ByVal hwndParent As Long)


RadioPlayer Description
Property Mute As Boolean
Property Url As String
Property Volume As Long
Sub BindRadioMemory
Sub GetState(plOpenState As Long, pfBuffering As Long, plBufferingPercent As Long, plQuality As Long)
Sub GetStatus(plVolume As Long, pfMute As Long, pfPlay As Long, __MIDL_0013 As String, __MIDL_0014 As String, __MIDL_0015 As String, __MIDL_0016 As String, __MIDL_0017 As String, __MIDL_0018 As String, __MIDL_0019 As String)
Sub Play
Sub ReleaseRadio
Sub Stop
Sub Unregister(ByVal lRegister As Long)
Function GetInstanceCount As Long
Function GetSection As String
Function RegisterEvent(ByVal bszEvent As String) As Long
Function RegisterWindow(ByVal __MIDL_0012 As Long, ByVal dwMessage As Long, ByVal dwCodeSet As Long) As Long
Sub StateChange(ByVal bszUrl As String, ByVal fPlay As Boolean, ByVal lVolume As Long, ByVal fMute As Boolean)


RadioServer Description
Property Mute As Boolean
Property Url As String
Property Volume As Long
Sub BindRadioMemory
Sub GetState(plOpenState As Long, pfBuffering As Long, plBufferingPercent As Long, plQuality As Long)
Sub GetStatus(plVolume As Long, pfMute As Long, pfPlay As Long, __MIDL_0013 As String, __MIDL_0014 As String, __MIDL_0015 As String, __MIDL_0016 As String, __MIDL_0017 As String, __MIDL_0018 As String, __MIDL_0019 As String)
Sub Play
Sub ReleaseRadio
Sub Stop
Sub Unregister(ByVal lRegister As Long)
Function GetInstanceCount As Long
Function GetSection As String
Function RegisterEvent(ByVal bszEvent As String) As Long
Function RegisterWindow(ByVal __MIDL_0012 As Long, ByVal dwMessage As Long, ByVal dwCodeSet As Long) As Long
Sub StateChange(ByVal bszUrl As String, ByVal fPlay As Boolean, ByVal lVolume As Long, ByVal fMute As Boolean)


ReadyStateConstants Description
Const amvComplete = 4 ActiveMovie is fully loaded, permitting full user interaction
Const amvInteractive = 3 ActiveMovie is not fully loaded, but will permit limited user interaction
Const amvLoading = 1 ActiveMovie is loading
Const amvUninitialized = 0 ActiveMovie is uninitialized
