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shdocvw.dll      Teil 2

SearchAssistantOC  SecureLockIconConstants  ShellBrowserWindow  ShellNameSpace  ShellUIHelper 
SearchAssistantOC Description
Property ASProvider As String
Property ASSetting As Long
Property EventHandled As Boolean
Property InWebFolder As Boolean Returns true if the current folder is web folder
Property SearchAssistantDefault As Boolean property SearchAssistantDefault
Property Searches As ISearches Get searches
Property ShellFeaturesEnabled As Boolean property ShellFeaturesEnabled
Property ShowFindPrinter As Boolean
Property Version As Long
Sub AddNextMenuItem(ByVal bstrText As String, ByVal idItem As Long)
Sub FindComputer
Sub FindFilesOrFolders
Sub FindOnWeb
Sub FindPeople
Sub FindPrinter
Sub NavigateToDefaultSearch
Sub NETDetectNextNavigate
Sub NotifySearchSettingsChanged
Sub PutFindText(ByVal FindText As String)
Sub PutProperty(ByVal bPerLocale As Boolean, ByVal bstrName As String, ByVal bstrValue As String)
Sub ResetNextMenu
Sub SetDefaultSearchUrl(ByVal bstrUrl As String)
Function EncodeString(ByVal bstrValue As String, ByVal bstrCharSet As String, ByVal bUseUTF8 As Boolean) As String
Function GetProperty(ByVal bPerLocale As Boolean, ByVal bstrName As String) As String
Function GetSearchAssistantURL(ByVal bSubstitute As Boolean, ByVal bCustomize As Boolean) As String
Function IsRestricted(ByVal bstrGuid As String) As Boolean
Sub OnNewSearch
Sub OnNextMenuSelect(ByVal idItem As Long)


SecureLockIconConstants Description
Const secureLockIconMixed = 1
Const secureLockIconSecure128Bit = 6
Const secureLockIconSecure40Bit = 3
Const secureLockIconSecure56Bit = 4
Const secureLockIconSecureFortezza = 5
Const secureLockIconSecureUnknownBits = 2
Const secureLockIconUnsecure = 0


ShellBrowserWindow Description
Property AddressBar As Boolean Controls whether address bar is shown
Property Application As Object Returns the application automation object if accessible, this automation object otherwise..
Property Busy As Boolean Query to see if something is still in progress.
Property Container As Object Returns the container/parent automation object, if any.
Property Document As Object Returns the active Document automation object, if any.
Property FullName As String Returns file specification of the application, including path.
Property FullScreen As Boolean Maximizes window and turns off statusbar, toolbar, menubar, and titlebar.
Property Height As Long The vertical dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.
Property HWND As Long Returns the HWND of the current IE window.
Property Left As Long The horizontal position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.
Property LocationName As String Gets the short (UI-friendly) name of the URL/file currently viewed.
Property LocationURL As String Gets the full URL/path currently viewed.
Property MenuBar As Boolean Controls whether menubar is shown.
Property Name As String Returns name of the application.
Property Offline As Boolean Controls if the frame is offline (read from cache)
Property Parent As Object Returns the automation object of the container/parent if one exists or this automation object.
Property Path As String Returns the path to the application.
Property ReadyState As tagREADYSTATE
Property RegisterAsBrowser As Boolean Registers OC as a top-level browser (for target name resolution)
Property RegisterAsDropTarget As Boolean Registers OC as a drop target for navigation
Property Resizable As Boolean Controls whether the window is resizable
Property Silent As Boolean Controls if any dialog boxes can be shown
Property StatusBar As Boolean Turn on or off the statusbar.
Property StatusText As String Text of Status window.
Property TheaterMode As Boolean Controls if the browser is in theater mode
Property ToolBar As Long Controls which toolbar is shown.
Property Top As Long The vertical position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.
Property TopLevelContainer As Boolean Returns True if this is the top level object.
Property Type As String Returns the type of the contained document object.
Property Visible As Boolean Determines whether the application is visible or hidden.
Property Width As Long The horizontal dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.
Sub ClientToWindow(pcx As Long, pcy As Long) Converts client sizes into window sizes.
Sub ExecWB(ByVal cmdID As OLECMDID, ByVal cmdexecopt As OLECMDEXECOPT, [pvaIn], [pvaOut]) IOleCommandTarget::Exec
Sub GoBack Navigates to the previous item in the history list.
Sub GoForward Navigates to the next item in the history list.
Sub GoHome Go home/start page.
Sub GoSearch Go Search Page.
Sub Navigate(ByVal URL As String, [Flags], [TargetFrameName], [PostData], [Headers]) Navigates to a URL or file.
Sub Navigate2(URL, [Flags], [TargetFrameName], [PostData], [Headers]) Navigates to a URL or file or pidl.
Sub PutProperty(ByVal Property As String, ByVal vtValue) Associates vtValue with the name szProperty in the context of the object.
Sub Quit Exits application and closes the open document.
Sub Refresh Refresh the currently viewed page.
Sub Refresh2([Level]) Refresh the currently viewed page.
Sub ShowBrowserBar(pvaClsid, [pvarShow], [pvarSize]) Set BrowserBar to Clsid
Sub Stop Stops opening a file.
Function GetProperty(ByVal Property As String) Retrieve the Associated value for the property vtValue in the context of the object.
Function QueryStatusWB(ByVal cmdID As OLECMDID) As OLECMDF IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus
Sub BeforeNavigate2(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers, Cancel As Boolean) Fired before navigate occurs in the given WebBrowser (window or frameset element). The processing of this navigation may be modified.
Sub ClientToHostWindow(CX As Long, CY As Long) Fired to request client sizes be converted to host window sizes
Sub CommandStateChange(ByVal Command As Long, ByVal Enable As Boolean) The enabled state of a command changed.
Sub DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL) Fired when the document being navigated to reaches ReadyState_Complete.
Sub DownloadBegin Download of a page started.
Sub DownloadComplete Download of page complete.
Sub FileDownload(Cancel As Boolean) Fired to indicate the File Download dialog is opening
Sub NavigateComplete2(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL) Fired when the document being navigated to becomes visible and enters the navigation stack.
Sub NewWindow2(ppDisp As Object, Cancel As Boolean) A new, hidden, non-navigated WebBrowser window is needed.
Sub OnFullScreen(ByVal FullScreen As Boolean) Fired when fullscreen mode should be on/off
Sub OnMenuBar(ByVal MenuBar As Boolean) Fired when the menubar should be shown/hidden
Sub OnQuit Fired when application is quiting.
Sub OnStatusBar(ByVal StatusBar As Boolean) Fired when the statusbar should be shown/hidden
Sub OnTheaterMode(ByVal TheaterMode As Boolean) Fired when theater mode should be on/off
Sub OnToolBar(ByVal ToolBar As Boolean) Fired when the toolbar should be shown/hidden
Sub OnVisible(ByVal Visible As Boolean) Fired when the window should be shown/hidden
Sub ProgressChange(ByVal Progress As Long, ByVal ProgressMax As Long) Fired when download progress is updated.
Sub PropertyChange(ByVal szProperty As String) Fired when the PutProperty method has been called.
Sub SetSecureLockIcon(ByVal SecureLockIcon As Long) Fired to indicate the security level of the current web page contents
Sub StatusTextChange(ByVal Text As String) Statusbar text changed.
Sub TitleChange(ByVal Text As String) Document title changed.
Sub WindowClosing(ByVal IsChildWindow As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Fired when the WebBrowser is about to be closed by script
Sub WindowSetHeight(ByVal Height As Long) Fired when the host window should change its height
Sub WindowSetLeft(ByVal Left As Long) Fired when the host window should change its Left coordinate
Sub WindowSetResizable(ByVal Resizable As Boolean) Fired when the host window should allow/disallow resizing
Sub WindowSetTop(ByVal Top As Long) Fired when the host window should change its Top coordinate
Sub WindowSetWidth(ByVal Width As Long) Fired when the host window should change its width


ShellNameSpace Description
Property Columns As String
Property CountViewTypes As Long number of view types
Property Depth As Long
Property EnumOptions As Long options
Property Flags As Long
Property Mode As Empty
Property Root get the root item
Property SelectedItem As Object get the selected item
Property SubscriptionsEnabled As Boolean Query to see if subscriptions are enabled
Property TVFlags As Long
Sub Expand(ByVal var, ByVal iDepth As Long) expands item specified depth
Sub Export method Export
Sub Import method Import
Sub InvokeContextMenuCommand(ByVal strCommand As String) method InvokeContextMenuCommand
Sub MoveSelectionDown method MoveSelectionDown
Sub MoveSelectionTo method MoveSelectionTo
Sub MoveSelectionUp method MoveSelectionUp
Sub NewFolder method NewFolder
Sub ResetSort method ResetSort
Sub SetRoot(ByVal bstrFullPath As String) old, use put_Root() instead
Sub SetViewType(ByVal iType As Long) set view type
Sub Synchronize method Synchronize
Sub UnselectAll unselects all items
Function CreateSubscriptionForSelection As Boolean method CreateSubscriptionForSelection
Function DeleteSubscriptionForSelection As Boolean method DeleteSubscriptionForSelection
Function SelectedItems As Object collection of selected items
Sub DoubleClick
Sub FavoritesSelectionChange(ByVal cItems As Long, ByVal hItem As Long, ByVal strName As String, ByVal strUrl As String, ByVal cVisits As Long, ByVal strDate As String, ByVal fAvailableOffline As Long)
Sub Initialized
Sub SelectionChange


ShellUIHelper Description
Sub AddChannel(ByVal URL As String)
Sub AddDesktopComponent(ByVal URL As String, ByVal Type As String, [Left], [Top], [Width], [Height])
Sub AddFavorite(ByVal URL As String, [Title])
Sub AutoCompleteAttach([Reserved]) (undocumented)
Sub AutoCompleteSaveForm([Form])
Sub AutoScan(ByVal strSearch As String, ByVal strFailureUrl As String, [pvarTargetFrame])
Sub ImportExportFavorites(ByVal fImport As Boolean, ByVal strImpExpPath As String)
Sub NavigateAndFind(ByVal URL As String, ByVal strQuery As String, varTargetFrame)
Sub RefreshOfflineDesktop (undocumented)
Sub ResetFirstBootMode (undocumented)
Sub ResetSafeMode (undocumented)
Function IsSubscribed(ByVal URL As String) As Boolean
Function ShowBrowserUI(ByVal bstrName As String, pvarIn)

