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msdxm.ocx      Teil 2

MediaPlayer Description
Property ActiveMovie As Object Returns the ActiveMovie player object
Property AllowChangeDisplaySize As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the display size can be set at run time
Property AllowScan As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not scanning is enabled on files that support it
Property AnimationAtStart As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the control shows its animation during initial file buffering
Property AudioStream As Long Returns or sets the current audio stream
Property AutoRewind As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not a file is rewound at the end of playback
Property AutoSize As Boolean Size the control automatically to the loaded media
Property AutoStart As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not file playback is automatically started
Property Balance As Long Returns or sets the current balance of the stream
Property Bandwidth As Long Returns the bandwidth of the file in bits per second
Property BaseURL As String Returns or sets the control's base HTTP URL
Property BufferingCount As Long Returns the number of times buffering occurred during playback
Property BufferingProgress As Long Returns the percentage of buffering completed
Property BufferingTime As Double Returns the control's buffering time
Property CanPreview As Boolean Returns whether the control currently has something that can be previewed
Property CanScan As Boolean Returns whether or not the file can be fast forwarded or reversed
Property CanSeek As Boolean Returns whether or not the file can be seeked into
Property CanSeekToMarkers As Boolean Returns whether or not the file can be seeked into by markers
Property CaptioningID As String Returns or sets the captioning information
Property ChannelDescription As String Returns the description of the station
Property ChannelName As String Returns the name of the station
Property ChannelURL As String Returns the location of the station metafile
Property ClickToPlay As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not clicking on the control starts file playback
Property ClientId As String Returns a unique id for the player
Property CodecCount As Long Returns the number of installable codecs used by the file
Property ConnectionSpeed As Long Returns the network connection speed of the player
Property ContactAddress As String Returns the contact address of the station
Property ContactEmail As String Returns the contact e-mail address of the station
Property ContactPhone As String Returns the contact phone number of the station
Property CreationDate As Date Returns the creation date of the file
Property CurrentMarker As Long Returns or sets the current marker number
Property CurrentPosition As Double Returns or sets the current position in the file
Property CursorType As Long Returns or sets the cursor type
Property DefaultFrame As String Returns or sets the control's default target HTTP frame
Property DisplayBackColor As Long Returns or sets the background color of the display panel
Property DisplayForeColor As Long Returns or sets the foreground color of the display panel
Property DisplayMode As MPDisplayModeConstants Returns or sets the display mode (time or frames)
Property DisplaySize As MPDisplaySizeConstants Returns or sets the display size of images
Property Duration As Double Returns the play duration of the file
Property DVD As IMediaPlayerDvd Returns the MediaPlayer DVD interface
Property EnableContextMenu As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not a right mouse click invokes a context menu
Property Enabled As Boolean Enables or disables the control
Property EnableFullScreenControls As Boolean Enables controls during full screen
Property EnablePositionControls As Boolean Enables or disables the position buttons in the control panel
Property EnableTracker As Boolean Enables or disables the tracker bar in the control panel
Property EntryCount As Long Returns the number of playlist entries
Property ErrorCode As Long Returns the current error code
Property ErrorCorrection As String Returns the error correction type of the file
Property ErrorDescription As String Returns the description of the current error state
Property FileName As String Returns or sets the current file name and path
Property HasError As Boolean Returns whether or not the control currently has an error
Property HasMultipleItems As Boolean Returns whether the control currently has something that contains multiple items
Property ImageSourceHeight As Long Returns the original height of the source images
Property ImageSourceWidth As Long Returns the original width of the source images
Property InvokeURLs As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not received URLs are automatically invoked
Property IsBroadcast As Boolean Returns whether or not the source is a broadcast
Property IsDurationValid As Boolean Returns whether or not the duration is known
Property Language As Long Returns or sets the current language, using windows LCIDs
Property LostPackets As Long Returns the number of packets lost
Property MarkerCount As Long Returns the number of markers in the file
Property Mute As Boolean Returns or sets the current mute state of the stream
Property NSPlay As Object Returns the NetShow player object
Property OpenState As Long Returns the open state of the control
Property PlayCount As Long Returns or sets the number of times a file plays
Property PlayState As MPPlayStateConstants Returns the play state of the control
Property PreviewMode As Boolean Returns or sets whether the control is in preview mode
Property Rate As Double Returns or sets the current playback rate
Property ReadyState As MPReadyStateConstants Returns the readiness state of the control
Property ReceivedPackets As Long Returns the number of packets received
Property ReceptionQuality As Long Returns the percentage of packets received in the last 30 seconds
Property RecoveredPackets As Long Returns the number of packets recovered
Property SAMIFileName As String Returns or sets the closed-captioning filename
Property SAMILang As String Returns or sets the closed-captioning language
Property SAMIStyle As String Returns or sets the closed-captioning style
Property SelectionEnd As Double Returns or sets the position where playback will stop
Property SelectionStart As Double Returns or sets the position where playback will begin
Property SendErrorEvents As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the control sends Error events
Property SendKeyboardEvents As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the control sends keyboard events
Property SendMouseClickEvents As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the control sends mouse click events
Property SendMouseMoveEvents As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the control sends mouse move events
Property SendOpenStateChangeEvents As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the control sends OpenStateChange events
Property SendPlayStateChangeEvents As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the control sends PlayStateChange events
Property SendWarningEvents As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the control sends Warning events
Property ShowAudioControls As Boolean Show audio controls
Property ShowCaptioning As Boolean Show captioning text
Property ShowControls As Boolean Shows or hides the control panel
Property ShowDisplay As Boolean Shows or hides the display panel
Property ShowGotoBar As Boolean Show Gotobar
Property ShowPositionControls As Boolean Shows or hides the position buttons in the control panel
Property ShowStatusBar As Boolean Show status bar
Property ShowTracker As Boolean Shows or hides the tracker bar in the control panel
Property SourceLink As String Returns the source path of the file
Property SourceProtocol As Long Returns the protocol used to receive data
Property StreamCount As Long Returns the number of media streams
Property TransparentAtStart As Boolean Returns or sets whether or not the control is transparent before playing
Property VideoBorder3D As Boolean Returns or sets the video border 3D effect
Property VideoBorderColor As Long Returns or sets the video border color
Property VideoBorderWidth As Long Returns or sets the video border width
Property Volume As Long Returns or sets the current volume of the stream
Property WindowlessVideo As Boolean Render video without a window
Sub AboutBox Displays version information dialog box
Sub Cancel Cancels the current operation
Sub FastForward Fast Forwards the playback
Sub FastReverse Fast Reverses the playback
Sub Next Jumps to the next item
Sub Open(ByVal bstrFileName As String) Opens the given filename asynchronously
Sub Pause Pauses file playback at the current position
Sub Play Begins playing from the current position or marker
Sub Previous Jumps to the previous item
Sub SetCurrentEntry(ByVal EntryNumber As Long) Sets the current playlist entry
Sub ShowDialog(ByVal mpDialogIndex As MPShowDialogConstants) Displays modal dialog box containing WMP options
Sub Stop Stops file playback at the current position
Sub StreamSelect(ByVal StreamNum As Long) Selects a media stream
Function GetCodecDescription(ByVal CodecNum As Long) As String Returns the descriptive name of a codec
Function GetCodecInstalled(ByVal CodecNum As Long) As Boolean Returns whether or not a codec is installed
Function GetCodecURL(ByVal CodecNum As Long) As String Returns the URL for a codec
Function GetCurrentEntry As Long Returns the current playlist item's entry number
Function GetMarkerName(ByVal MarkerNum As Long) As String Returns the name of a marker
Function GetMarkerTime(ByVal MarkerNum As Long) As Double Returns the time of a marker
Function GetMediaInfoString(ByVal MediaInfoType As MPMediaInfoType) As String Returns an Information String for the Media
Function GetMediaParameter(ByVal EntryNum As Long, ByVal bstrParameterName As String) As String Returns the value for a given parameter name and entry number
Function GetMediaParameterName(ByVal EntryNum As Long, ByVal Index As Long) As String Returns the name for a given parameter index and entry number
Function GetMoreInfoURL(ByVal MoreInfoType As MPMoreInfoType) As String Returns a More Information URL
Function GetStreamGroup(ByVal StreamNum As Long) As Long Returns the group of a media stream
Function GetStreamName(ByVal StreamNum As Long) As String Returns the name of a media stream
Function GetStreamSelected(ByVal StreamNum As Long) As Boolean Returns whether a media stream is selected
Function IsSoundCardEnabled As Boolean Determines whether the sound card is enabled on the machine
Sub Buffering(ByVal Start As Boolean) Sent when the control begins or ends buffering
Sub Click(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal ShiftState As Integer, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) Sent when a mouse button is clicked
Sub DblClick(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal ShiftState As Integer, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) Sent when a mouse button is double clicked
Sub Disconnect(ByVal Result As Long) Sent when the control is disconnected from the server
Sub DisplayModeChange Indicates that the display mode of the movie has changed
Sub DVDNotify(ByVal EventCode As Long, ByVal EventParam1 As Long, ByVal EventParam2 As Long) DVD related notifications
Sub EndOfStream(ByVal Result As Long) Sent when the end of file is reached
Sub Error Sent when the control has an error condition
Sub KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As Integer, ByVal ShiftState As Integer) Sent when a key is pressed
Sub KeyPress(ByVal CharacterCode As Integer) Sent when a character is entered
Sub KeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As Integer, ByVal ShiftState As Integer) Sent when a key is released
Sub MarkerHit(ByVal MarkerNum As Long) Sent when a marker is reached
Sub MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal ShiftState As Integer, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) Sent when a mouse button is pressed
Sub MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal ShiftState As Integer, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) Sent when the mouse is moved
Sub MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal ShiftState As Integer, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) Sent when a mouse button is released
Sub NewStream Sent when a new stream is started in a channel
Sub OpenStateChange(ByVal OldState As Long, ByVal NewState As Long) Sent when the control changes OpenState
Sub PlayStateChange(ByVal OldState As Long, ByVal NewState As Long) Sent when the control changes PlayState
Sub PositionChange(ByVal oldPosition As Double, ByVal newPosition As Double) Indicates that the current position of the movie has changed
Sub ReadyStateChange(ByVal ReadyState As ReadyStateConstants) Reports that the ReadyState property of the ActiveMovie Control has changed
Sub ScriptCommand(ByVal scType As String, ByVal Param As String) Sent when a synchronized command or URL is received
Sub Warning(ByVal WarningType As Long, ByVal Param As Long, ByVal Description As String) Sent when the control encounters a problem

